I believe I was once a big fan of Neil Gaiman.
My God, I can't even remember the last time I read an issue of "The Sandman." That was probably more than 10 years ago, back in my college days.
During those times, my allowance is carefully divided. A portion goes to my lunch budget. Another is for school projecta and the remaining money (which is a rarity) goes to fund my vices.
Don't get me wrong. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs (I know, it sucks!). It's either I buy Eraserhead's new album or a copy of a comic book from Filbars. A friend introduced me to “The Sandman” and that was the beginning of my relationship with Mr. Gaiman. I even remember writing him an e-mail (which never got a reply probably because the e-mail address I got via Yahoo search is more fictitious than Morpheus) to tell him that he rocks and should come out with a film version of his novel.
After I graduated from college, I immediately got a job that required me to forget about my previous life and just concentrate on my work (yes, I am exaggerating a little). Today, I may not be that big Gaiman fan that I was before but I certainly still have the battle scars that I got when I journeyed with the Lord of Dreams. Well, I still have a few copies of The Sandman comic book hidden somewhere at home.
To all Gaiman’s fans, here’s a great treat from all of us. Avalon.ph is giving away a hardbound Signed Copy of Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves. Copy is signed only by Neil Gaiman. This is part of their 10th year anniversary online.
Visit the link below to join this promo:
I am sure a lot of fans of this great comic book writer will join and hope like fools to win. I know I will win. That’s the fool in me talking.
“It is a fool's prerogative to utter truths that no one else will speak.” – The Sandman
thanks! so mg ad kn s akin hehe :)
ei you're one of the winners of my contest. congratulations! :)
hi astig. send me your entrecard link so i can send your 4k credits. congrats to ur new baby :)
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