No matter how bad my day at the office goes, I always go home smiling.
Well, in about 45 minutes, I’ll finally see my son Charles whose been waiting for me in the last 8 hours. Oh, and also my wife. Sorry Leah, I almost forgot you ;-)
Going home in the last 10 months has never been this exciting since our little one came to our lives. Every day, I always imagine how I would enter our house and surprise him. Sometimes, I’d sneak in and mimic Elmo, Winnie the Pooh or Goofy until Charles finds where I’m hiding. There were also times that he is already asleep when I come home so I’ll just stare at him for hours or kiss his cheeks from time to time.
One day, I came home with a couple of “pasalubong” for my wife --- her favorites (1) oatmeal cookies from a popular coffee shop and (2) a bottle of Real Leaf Green Tea.
My wife and son were playing in our bedroom when I came home. Leah already got a few bites of cookies and was about to drink her green tea but Charles was egging for the bottle of Real Leaf. Leah just took a few sips and closed the cap and let Charles hold the bottle. In the next 30 minutes, my wife and baby played with it and I can’t help but take some snap shots of this quite amusing moment.
These photos only show how amazing parenthood can be. Fun moments can start from scratch and become a memorable moment. For our scrap book, I’ll label these as Real Life with Real Leaf.
1 comment:
cutie baby :)
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