Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hello Again, Australia!

It's not everyday that I check my blog stats so it came into a surprise that as of noontime, I had 27 page views today coming from Australia which comes second to Philippines (of course).

This made me wonder what posts could have bridged my blog to our friends from the land down under. I don't remember writing about Australia or publishing anything on kangaroos, boomerang, or the Tasmanian devil, perhaps.

Which made me pause for a while and ask myself why I haven't written anything about this continent/ country which has been very close to my heart one time in my life.  You see, I once worked for a call center and handled an account based in New South Wales.

Before I took my very first call, I was part of a group that had undergone a week of seminar about the country's history and culture and important information about its people.  For the next seven months, I talked to an average of sixty (60) different Australians (with their undeniably hard to understand yet pleasant-to-hear accent) either to assist them with a query or pacify them after an unpleasant experience with our product. I got cursed and my ego hammered for a number of times although there are some who praised me from the way I talked, handled the inquiry and exchange thoughts about what's happening in the world.  

It was a very challenging job and thankfully I got promoted as a quality analyst which basically took the "taking in calls" task away from my job description. I was monitoring calls for the next two years before I decided to look for a new cubicle outside the company that promises a normal work sked, better sleep and a chance to check my Friendster account from time to time.

My "Australian" experience may not have been a perfect set-up that I have thought will be. Just imagine the headaches that I get in every irate call I receive, misunderstandings and unexpected problems that comes almost everyday. But today, how I wish I can get a call from any of the irate callers I've talked to in my previous work. I'd just want to say that I have forgiven you and I hope you feel like doing the same to (for the unpleasant words I just keep within me because you are a well-loved customer). After all, I would like to believe that I became a better employee because of the experience, good or bad. Well, I think you guys deserve a "thank you" for that. 

Today, I'm just happy that something or someone have reconnected me with a country that was once a part of my breakfast and catnaps.  Let me say this to all my Australian readers, thanks for visiting my blog and being part of my wonderful journey. Keep on visiting this site since I might be featuring the Brumbies or the Reds or the Australian Open or even a kangaroo's life.