Showing posts with label Dirk Nowitzki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirk Nowitzki. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Blog Day to us!


August 31 is a special day to many people.

Payday to the working class. Landladies day to make rounds to their apartments for rent. Springboard to the so-called "Ber" months thus the start of the Christmas season for Filipinos--- the longest in the world. It's also Richard Gere's birthday for those who care.

For bloggers like me, it's OUR DAY! In celebration of the International Blog Day 2011, I am talking part to Nuffnang Philippines call for recommendations of six (6) blogs from all over the world that might interest others who have yet to stumbled upon them.  And so, here's my list: - A blog on oddities
On days that I feel like blogging but nothing seems to be worth posting, i turn to this site for inspiration, not necessary to repost an interesting topic but to get some ideas from some of their entries like 10 weirdest dish, unfortunately placed ads and my favorite, famous people who look like pets. It was a LOL experiencing reading the list that includes Taylor Lautner to a Llama and Tina Turner to a Chow Chow.
This is more than just the usual sports site that offers scoreboards and athlete's profile. It features more on the lighter side of sports and even ran stories on planking and classic movies like Mighty Ducks and others. They also search for sports geeks who does the extraordinary like the guy who built a Dirk Nowitzki statue using 41,000 pcs. of Lego blocks.
As the blog's name suggest, expect each entry as a stand alone story that ranges from fiction to true stories and humor to romance.  One entry was even less than 100 words. Some tales end with a question that will let you decide for the ending. I find this very clever and creative from someone who describes himself as a poet, struggling blogger, entrepreneur, speaker and an accomplished songwriter someday. - A Blogger and a Father
Sometimes while reading posts here, I feel like saying that this is my blog. Being a daddy blogger my self, I can relate to the views, adventures and misadventures, and little troubles that this American dad experiences everyday. There are times I would subconsciously just nod while browsing his rants. Click his Credential tab and you'll see the "cutest" achievements of his life. - Boy Genius Report
The blog uses the tagline "Full of rumor and leaks, and are almost always right." And they have proven it with the many exclusive never before seen photos and what to expect to upcoming gadgets and products.  They also have an informative and useful reviews and buying guide section. - The bitterest blog on the net
Get to know Joey, someone who claims to have never had a single pimple on his face that's why he laughs at people who have lots of them.  Wether you'll agree or not, you'll find his topics worth reading like his post about worthless congratulations, break-ups and tips to the just got single again. Don't forget to read the Bathroom protocol for men (e.g. Guard your package and no talking during the exit of fluids)

I hope you can also share your favorite blogs in the comment section so we can all discover more wonders in the cyberspace.  Again, happy blog day to us!