Showing posts with label Doom of the Broom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doom of the Broom. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank you, Thank you Electrolux!

Cool group shot courtesy of Jeman Villanueva

I got a good advice from a classmate in elementary 20 years ago that I still carry until now.

He said, "When you meet a two headed monster, greet it properly so it won't eat you."

I asked how and I got this wisdom from him as he pick his nose, "Just say Hello! Hello!"

With this, I want to tell Electrolux, "Thank you, thank you!"

The first thank you is for the Electrolux Dynamica that I got from being one of the ten winners of Electrolux Philippines' Doom of the Broom blog writing contest. Now, our home will be cleaner than ever with a brand new Electrolux Dynamica vacuum cleaner!

My second thank you is for The Little White Book who will send me within the month an Electrolux Ergorapido vacuum cleaner after I was chosen as one of the five winners of their Mother's day contest. It will be a great gift for my mother-in-law. My mom can borrow our Dynamica anytime since she just lives next door.

Again, thank you! thank you! to Elactrolux. Last week's dinner party at A. Venue was a blast!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I want to start the Doom of the Broom

I was about to leave home for work this morning when Annie, our house help, reminded me to buy a new broom since the one she’s been using everyday is almost ready to retire (so that explains why my shoe prints last night are still visible in our living room)

I gave her a hundred peso bill and a look that says “return the change on my drawer.” For sure, her “favorite” vendor on a bicycle will pass by that day and they will have a reason for a longer conversation. That’s alright as long as all her chores are done, a small talk with her BF prospect at the gate is fine with me. Besides, I don’t want to drop by the mall just to buy a walis tambo and have a hard time figuring how to hold it inside a sardined passenger van.

While on my way to my office, I have thoughts of brooms sweeping in my mind. It makes me smile remembering my days as a young boy who dreaded the sight of a broom gripped by my father waiting for me in our front yard asking what I am still doing outside at 10:00 pm.

Funny how I always get requests of brooms as pasalubong from relatives and friends when they found out that I am going to Baguio, whether on a business trip or vacation. Did they ever consider the fact that no luggage can accommodate brooms so that person (unfortunately most the time it’s me) will have that task of carrying an extra baggage of highly inflammable materials. It would really make my day if I ended getting a ride on an ordinary bus beside an inconsiderate smoker/ passenger.

I thought I’d have enough of such broom sob story but I was wrong. Recently, my 2-year old son Charles was diagnosed of having asthma. Something that he could have gotten from me. His pedia suggested that his asthma was triggered by either dust, smoke, dirt or animal hair.

Asthma is a serious condition, one that affects an estimated 300 million people worldwide. In the Philippines, around 5.5 million individuals have asthma. That’s an alarming stat of 1 in every 20 Filipino has asthma! Whoa!

And also a broom, our main cleaning companion at home, just push the dirt around and merely re-scatter dust into the air. That means, germs are still inside our house. Something that we cannot tolerate since we have a kid at home. We can really say that the dust might have cause his recent asthma attack.

My wife and I have always wanted to buy a vacuum cleaner but getting a unit will take sometime since we are still completing payments for a couple of appliances we bought through our credit cards. So the broom will stick for now (no pun intended).

Actually, we already have our eye on the new corded stick cleaner Dynamica from Electrolux, a Swedish global appliance company that pioneered vacuum cleaners. Dynamica is easy to handle and only weighs 1.6 kilograms, yet very powerful at the same time. It can pick hair and fiber, dust and crumbs whether on carpets, wooden surfaces or hard floors.

Get into the groove with the Electolux Dynamica Broombuster move!

has a sleek razor-like design and a double-jointed floor nozzle that enables to swivel from side-to-side, making it possible to clean areas that are hard to reach like in between cabinet and the back of the refrigerator or under the hatch. This is such an innovation since I can’t do those things using a broom. I can definitely clean all our rooms in no time using this user-friendly and wonderful vacuum cleaner.

I need change. I want to start the doom of broom. I need help!