Showing posts with label PLDT MyDSL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLDT MyDSL. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2012

PLDT myDSL & Nuffnang bring you The Avengers!

April is one of my favorite months.

Not only that I would be able to take a long-awaited vacation during this time, it is also the birth month of my wife.  The very moment April Fool's Day hit the clock, my creative juices already starts to flow not to think of pranks but to plan on how to surprise my wife (again) on his birthday.

For five years and counting, it has been like a superhero task to come out with something different from last year's .  I always see to it that what I'll be cooking up for her coming birthday is better than the previous ones.  If only creative juices or superhero potion are bought in drug stores, I'll take a dose everyday until I can think of another clever idea.

Talking about superheroes, I just remembered that Marvel's The Avenger will be shown in theaters this month. Hmm... I know my wife loves sci-fi, weird stuff and monsters (just some of the reasons why she married me), I hope this exciting hero flick will do the trick.

Incidentally, PLDT myDSL and Nuffnang will have a special screening of The Avengers on April 26 at Shangri-la Cineplex. If you want to score tickets to this event, just click HERE.

When you talk of PLDT myDSL, it can only mean fast internet connection.  And here are some Avenger-like effect that will happen to you if you have fast connection:

Hulk. You can be unstoppable and can dominate online games. You'll be the master of Tetris and all you puny opponents can't do anything but turn into green with envy (no pun intended).

Captain America.  You'll feel like living in the US because you can easily get updates and breaking news about your favorite Hollywood stars and TV shows.  Now, if you can only figure out how to vote for Jessica Sanchez, you'll be two-thirds American in no time.

Iron Man. Like Tony Stark, you can live a bachelor rockstar-like life for a day singing along your all-time favorite bands via Youtube. Ready, sing... "You treat me like a rose, you give me room to grow..."

Thor. I'm pretty sure you love mythology.  And the web is one great place where you can find myths as mysterious as Thor's origin.  Now there is one mystery that I really wanted to be answered, "Is Loki a viking or a bi-king?"

Aside from these fun stuff and great news, I have more good news to share.  Have you heard about PLDT myDSL Great Payday Sale?  This summer is the perfect time to enjoy the strongest connections at home with PLDT myDSL’s Great Payday Sale happening on April 27-29, 2012.  All you have to do is register at the nearest PLDT Home booth or malls nationwide on April 27-29, 2012 with 1 valid ID, no cash out! You can also upgrade your Internet with PLDT myDSL’s biggest Internet sale ever.

Freebies like a WiFi+Modem with free installation and 1 month DSL will be given away. That’s as much as P5,000 savings! For more information, you can visit where online application is also accepted.

Friday, June 17, 2011

PLDT myDSL’s Internet to Sawa TRANSFORMS my Internet experience from DOOM to ZOOM!

Beware and be aware!

There is a emerging outbreak in the community today and everyone is advised to take necessary steps to be protected from any harm. Here are the symptoms of the said spate:

1. You tend to slam your desktop keyboard and/ or mouse or hit the CPU subconsciously.

2. You curse your internet provider and make your rants known via FB and/ or Twitter.

3. You always get the same message over the phone: “There is an upgrading of our facilities in your area to improve our service. Sorry but I can’t provide you a definite time when this will be completed.”

4. You dream of a circling light with a note that says "connecting..." as if it’s going to be like that way forever.

If you are experiencing two or more of the mentioned symptoms, there is a big probability that you just caught the wave called SLOKONEKSYONMOSIS.

Do not take this lightly because this epidemic has been reported to have caused a lot of damage to unwilling victims:

a. Loss of sight. Youtube habit is now a mess and you’re missing an average of a dozen of viral videos a day.

b. Loss of hearing. E-radio, podcast and downloading of mp3s either from iTunes or Bearshare is completely silenced.

c. Lost of sense of touch. This is good actually. Only cyber perverts will be affected by this.

d. Lost of sense of taste. You can’t decide what and where to eat because you can’t get updates from your fave food blogs.

e. And worst of all, loss of life (blogging life, that is)

This is kinda scary especially for a blogger, or should I say a Nuffnanger like me. Life has never been the same when I started my Nuffnang life. Any day can be a day of surprises especially when a new promo, contest or event (like the upcoming movie premiere of Transformer 3: Dark of the Moon) is launched. The challenge of making your post more creative and the opportunity to meet new friends online and in person are only some of the great opportunities one can gain. I say Nuffnang tansformed me from a regular blogger to a winner, both figuratively and literally. My proudest moments as a blogger came when I was declared as the grand winner for Aboitiz Power Alter Space (2011), Eveready Everyday Moments (2011) and Funniest Blog for Enervon's Hapontukin contest (2010) by Nuffnang Philippines. Any interruption on my internet connection is definitely a big issue on my part.

That's why I am now considering getting a new internet provider. I just heard the great news from PLDT myDSL that their plan 3000 subscribers will be given a free upgrade from 3mbps to an unlimited speed boost of 5 mbps bandwidth this month of June. This is a big transformation since this kind of connection guarantees a great online experience to every subscriber from playing online games to visiting social networking sites and of course, updating blogs.

Having this internet speed, I can post more entries in my blog, share great photos and videos to my friends and finish lots of work-related tasks in less time! Indeed, PLDT myDSL’s Internet to Sawa TRANSFORMS my Internet experience from DOOM to ZOOM!

And if you think that the Internet to Sawa treat is the only bonus you'll be getting from PLDT, you got to hear this: you'll also get Watchpad, the first ever broadband entertainment portal which enables PLDT subscribers to watch TV Online, with even more exclusive contents plus One (1) year of Free PLDT to PLDT NDD calls!

It's not yet December, right? Why it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. With all the these generous gifts and offers from PLDT, I am hearing Christmas bells instead of just wedding bells this June.

Visit for more information or call 171 to confirm your subscription today!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pizza at Yellow Cab is great as their crew

When I like something, I either make a shout out about it on my FB wall or tweet a line about the experience. But if I really really like about it, I blogged about it.

Last May 8 (yup, eight days ago and if not for Blogger's last week vacation mode this could have been posted a little earlier), my wife celebrated Mother's day with me and our 2-year old son Charles Anthony in a place where she least expected.  Our previous celebrations were held in restaurants where you'll feel that it's only us in that place.  But this year, we had a pizza party with dozens of screaming fans watching the Pacquiao-Mosley fight live at Yellow Cab - People Support in Makati City.

I know it's not the place that she has in mind but it went out fine because (1) Manny Pacquaio won (as expected), (2) we gained new friends, (3) we got FREE lunch and other goodies and (4) the crew at the Yellow Cab are so accommodating especially that friendly waitress who even played with my son (the only uninterested individual in the fight).

Thanks for the treat Yellow Cab Philippines, Nuffnang Philippines and PLDT My DSL Watchpad.