Showing posts with label Voltes 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voltes 5. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ready, Set... Act!

Ready, set... act!

When I was a kid, I used to act in front of the mirror when I am alone doing my impersonation of Steve, my favorite character in the classic anime Voltes V or sing ala-Beatles. But when I can sense that an “intruder” is about to enter my room, I would immediately sit on the floor with no trace of any sort of activities happened.

That’s how shy I was before even though within me is a dynamo that can energize a boring afternoon in the house. If only there was a school of action then where I can learn not just the art of acting but to overcome my shyness as well.

Last Dece,ber 14, Sacred Heart School Makati (SHSM) held their rehearsal-workshop for their Christmas play The Secret Christmas Eve, which was divided into two parts: ‘Escape of the Cookie Clowns’ and ‘What has Rudolph Done?’

It was quite an amazing scene where preschool students memorize and deliver their lines convincingly under the guidance of Teacher Monique Excueta Bunuan of the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy Philippines. The event was witnessed by parents and guest to have a peek of the staging of the said Christmas presentation for a cause on December 16 (Monday).

Sacred Heart School Makati maintained and managed by Ms. Weng Palma and is a franchise of Ms. Ma.Rowena J. Matti, CEO of the Galileo Enrichment Learning Program.  The first Sacred Heart School located in Malabon offered Nursery and Pre-School program was ounded in 1968 by Mrs. Rosario Tambunting-Juan,   It expanded to new branches in Sun Valley Paranaque, Binondo Manila, Valenzuela, Caloocan and other locations. The school is located at the Ground Floor of Republic Glass Building, 196 Salcedo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. One good thing about Sacred Heart School Makati is that it offers the Galileo Enrichment Learning Program, Individual Tutorial, Taekwondo, Music Lessons and Chinese Mandarin.

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy on the other hand is a developmental drama program present in more than 25 countries all over the world, catering to children ages 5 to 17.

To those who are interested to watch the play on Monday (10:00 am), the paky will be staged at the 7th Floor of the CAP Building, corner Amorsolo and Rufino Sts. in Makati.  Tickets are sold at P300 each and proceeds of the sale will go to the relief and rehabilitation efforts of Philippine Red Cross in the Central Visayas region.  You may contact 810-8506 for ticket reservations and other queries.

I would love to go and bring my son Charles who I see is way more active in school programs compared to me when I was a toddler. But my little boy has classes and I have work. Well, I’m sure this will not be the first and last play by SHSM and hopefully we can watch. I encourage my fellow parents to see this play with your kids in case you are available on December 16.

Image used in this post is courtesy of Mr. Rain De Ocampo.