Showing posts with label running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

Run for Mother Earth: Pro Earth Run 2014

In my opinion, man learned the art of running first before walking.

To those who don’t agree, try to imagine yourself living in the prehistoric era, waking up in the morning surrounded by a pack of T-Rex or Giganotosaurus checking which part of you is good for a power breakfast. Instinct, guys. During those times, almost every living thing on Earth grew up on the run.

Fast forward to present time. People nowadays have different reasons why they run. Some run to go to work. Others run to finish errands. But the most popular form of running today is fun run and other types of competitive running like marathon, 100m dash, etc.

In the Philippines, different organizations stage fun runs almost every week. One of the event happening soon is the Pro Earth Run 2014 scheduled this coming Saturday (April 12) at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig.

Earth Day Network Philippines (EDNP), the local counterpart of the Global Earth Day International will spearhead this event as part of the Earth Day Celebration on April 22. EDNP is a network of organizations that campaigns for environment protection and awareness working together with different government agencies, private corporations and non-government organizations.

I will be part of this event as a sign of my commitment to spread the word or theme of the event “Protect, Respect, Oversee Earth Care.” Another reason for joining this is because running is one of the cheapest and easiest form of exercise. No equipment needed. Just a pair of running shoes (well, some even run barefoot) and willing feet.

Few slots are still open for 1.5K & 3K categories until April 10. Please call (02) 9042304 or 9049826 if interested.

Happy running, guys!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Join the Running Revolution with Adidas Energy Boost

Running. Many consider it to be the second thing mankind ever learned even before we discovered walking.

To those who doesn’t agree, try to imagine yourself living in the prehistoric era, waking up in the morning surrounded by a pack of T-Rex or Giganotosaurus checking which part of you is good for a power breakfast. Instinct, guys. During those times, almost every living thing on Earth grew up on the run.

For the curious souls asking what I think was the first thing humans ever learned to do, I say it’s eating. Remember Adam’s apple, err... Eve’s apple in the Garden of Eatin’, I mean Eden? (I am a catholic, you know).

Eating and running. Two unlikely combination of activities that has been passed on from one generation to another. (Forgive me if I’m beginning to sound like Morgan Freeman. I can’t help it. I’m watching History channel now). That’s why we have this thing called eat and run. Yup, that thing that you did when you attended a Christening party after your high school classmate found you on Facebook and asked to be one of  his seventh child’s godfather. Or in that suppose to be happy family reunion which turned sour when relatives started asking why you are still single. You eat a little then you run as far as you can.

Growing up, running has save me from troubles in a number of times--- away from dog bites, police chasing us after a rally at Mendiola, lunch box-swiping school bullies, etc. And now, we have more hazards to run away from like falling meteorites, mall robbers in costume, and the never-ending David Pomeranz concert series. Running is the best self-defense. That’s the secret  my grandfather told me on how he was able to survived WWII.

Personally, I also associate eating the certain food to improve my running skills--- better stamina and faster legs. That’s why at one point of my life, I became a sucker of food for the runners. I eat pasta because it can provide slow-release energy which what marathon runners require. I gobbled bananas since it’s ideal for refueling rapidly and it comes in biodegradable wrappers. I also feasted in cereals and wheat biscuits for my dose of fiber and protein almost everyday. I even used images of these food as the screensaver of my PC at one point. Well, sort of a motivation that these should only be the food that I will eat for the day. I remember attending an event where I did not eat the food served by the organizer even though the plates were mouth-watering simply because it's not pasta. And beside, I have a pack of biscuits and a couple of banana in my bag.

After half a year, I felt like a horse. Not a thoroughbred but a winded about-to-be-chopped-and-exported-to-Europe horse that is. I was unable to control my intake of those "certain food" that I became a 160 lbs. obese (according to my cardiologist). I guess I got a little over of everything on my diet, especially on pasta. I think I have tried almost every type of spaghetti during that period. As far as i can remember, That was definitely the craziest thing I’ve done to boost my run.

Today, I participate to at least six fun runs a year. One, it is fun and second, I get to prove to myself and others that I can still run even in my thirties and with a Harlem Shakin’ tummy. I am still fond of the “food for runners” but this time I see to it to eat moderately.

I also check online for tips on how to boost my run. Then I stumbled upon a great find. Unmatched energy return, superior cushioning, optimal, fit and temperature independence: Introducing the ENERGY BOOST™ by Adidas, the new running shoe with revolutionary cushioning technology that provides the highest energy return in the industry. And just like that, running will never be the same.

The foundation of the ENERGY BOOST™ innovation is centered on proprietary cushioning material, BOOST™, that allows the runner to feel a continuous energy return. The revolutionary technology allows small energy capsules in the soles to store and unleash energy more efficiently with every stride. The Adidas brand is one of the leading sports brands in the world. The Adidas brand attitude “Impossible is Nothing” drives all brand communication initiatives and helps strengthen the brand’s bond with consumers.

Now, I'm definitely joining the running revolution with this new line of soles from one of the trusted names.

With only 200 pairs of ENERGY BOOST™ available in the Philippines this season, runners will be able to reserve up to 100 pairs before the shoes hit the adidas Bonifacio Global City store on the 27th of February. This can be done via a pre-order mechanism exclusive for South East Asia that opens from 15th until 24th of February. So, be the first to boost your run at

So when you think about running, always bear this in mind:  Another Day Is Definitely Another Super (ADIDAS) run.